TNX Africa

Azziad Nazenya addresses critics linking her success to men

By | April 14, 2024
Actress and media personality Azziad Nasenya. 

Actress and media personality Azziad Nasenya has confronted critics who consistently link her success to male influence.

In a video shared on social media, Nasenya expressed frustration with the general assumption that women's achievements are attributed to men.

"Why is it that when a young girl is successful, people have to associate it with men? Why is it like that?" Nasenya questioned in the video.

“People are so threatened and jealous of young girls who are making it. I’m travelling and people are like, who is sponsoring the bills? Oooh Nyash Bae! Are you kidding me,” she continued.

Nasenya pushed back against comments suggesting that her travels were funded by a male sponsor, stating her own hard work and diverse roles.

Azziad Nasenya.

"I'm a radio presenter, actress, content creator, and entrepreneur. I have my own company," she said.

Addressing assumptions about women's success, the media personality highlighted the double standards applied to men and women in similar situations.

"It's so sad that when guys travel, ooh they have worked hard, they have made it but when females travel somebody else has to be behind their success,” she lamented.

The radio host urged people to recognize the efforts of Gen Z individuals and discouraged jealousy, saying, "Gen Z's we are go-getters. We work hard. We see an opportunity we grab it and why can't everybody do it?

She added: “Alafu haka ka sentence ka Nyash pays her bills. Everybody got nyash, use your nyash if you feel like that is what pays my bills. Use your Nyash lets pay our bills together and stop being jealous."

Reflecting on jealousy and success, Nasenya highlighted, "I have noticed, the moment you are on the same level with people, everybody loves you but the moment you level up, they start having a problem. It's just sad and I think in this life we block our own blessings by being jealous of others. Let's just learn to clap for other people and stop the jealousy."

In a previous interview in December 2023, Nasenya shared her struggles with cyberbullying after her viral video to the song "Utawezana" by Femi One.

Nasenya said the sudden fame led her to contemplate suicide due to overwhelming negative attention.

"The bullying was hectic... I was living alone... It was terrible, I’m alone it’s in the middle of a lockdown. I, literally went to my balcony and I was like um is this where God you let me go," Nasenya recounted.