TNX Africa

Davido's demands to K24

By | April 3, 2024
Davido [Facebook]

Following an April Fools’ story that claimed Nigerian superstar Davido had been detained at JKIA after cocaine had been found in his private jet, the artiste has sent a demand letter to K24 on the next course of action.

Davido, through Conrad Law Advocates, said the article has caused ‘irreparable damage’ to his reputation, career and personal life.

The strongly worded letter further stated that the article was published with the intent to injure the singer’s reputation by associating him with drug trafficking.

“By labelling Davido as a controlled substance user and a criminal, without any evidence or factual basis, Mediamax Network Limited has engaged in a deliberate smear campaign aimed at tarnishing our client’s character and integrity.

“The reckless disregard for the truth demonstrates a complete lack of journalistic ethics and professional responsibility…Our client is an international megastar and a reputable entrepreneur with vast business interests in several jurisdictions, his art and business ventures employ considerable personnel with a vast fanbase,” read the letter in part.

As a result, K24 was instructed to;

On Tuesday, Davido took to his social pages to assure his fans that he has never been arrested in any country, terming the April Fools’ story distasteful.

“Fam it has come to my attention that false reports regarding an arrest circulated online on April 1st, which has since led to a barrage of calls. I want to assure my fans that these reports are entirely untrue.

“…I’d also like to note that I have never been arrested by anyone in any country for any crime in the world…I find the fabrication of allegations of such international crimes extremely irresponsible regardless of the light of ‘April Fools’, read the statement in part.

The article has since been pulled down.