TNX Africa

Kayole woman denies stealing Sh59K electronics over lungula fee

By | November 23, 2023

A woman in Kayole was recently released by a Makadara court on bail after she denied stealing a television, a watch and a mobile phone all valued at Sh59,100, from a man she accused of failing to pay for having had sex with her.

EWM, 38, was charged with stealing from JKM in Masimba within Kayole in Nairobi on the night of October 24.

EWM is further alleged to have withdrawn Sh3,880 from the man’s M-Pesa account after she left with his phone.

The complainant was on the material day having drinks at a club when EWM walked in and got invited by JKM to his table to have drinks together. They later left the club and headed to his house where the accused said she needed more beer. The duo went out for takeaways from a nearby outlet.

The court was told that the complainant requested sexual intercourse at a fee of Sh5,000 and she agreed to it.

The accused alleged that she offered the service but she was not paid since the complainant had less money in his M-Pesa account. She decided to sleep over till morning. When she woke up, she quietly collected the TV, watch and his mobile phone then left the house.

She later sold the TV to an electronics dealer.

She was arrested at the same bar and taken in for questioning before being arraigned before Makadara Chief Magistrate Tito Gesora who granted her a bail of Sh30,000 pending hearing on June 24 next year.