TNX Africa

Man in soup after calling board lawyers 'busybodies'

By | December 10, 2023

Drama unfolded during a hearing to remove the Kakamega County Service Board when a petitioner was questioned about his use of the term 'busybodies'.

Dennis Muhanda found himself on the spot, pressed to explain why he referred to the lawyers representing board members as busybodies.

Muhanda is seeking the removal of the board over the alleged unprocedural sacking of its chief executive officer, Catherine Gathoni. He says the termination was done improperly.

The County Assembly Public Service and Administration Committee, led by Marama South MCA Willis Opuka, is overseeing the impeachment proceedings against the board.

Muhanda was compelled to apologise and withdraw the remark.

“The working of advocates and lawyers is based on a 'good image,' and any allegations against them taints them. We direct the petitioner to make a personal apology to the respondent’s lawyers," ordered Walunya Indimuli, a member of the assembly committee.

According to Walunya, the lawyers representing the embattled board were supposed to assist the committee in reaching a fair decision.