Beverly Mumbo Otieno

Breaking the Cycle: Investing in preventing violence against women and girls

By Beverly Mumbo Otieno   2023-11-28 10:30:10

The Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS)2022 shows that over 40 per cent of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime

A second chance: The transformative power of education for teen mothers

By Beverly Mumbo Otieno   2024-02-09 15:16:51

In 2023, a total of 110,821 pregnancies were recorded among adolescents aged between the ages of 10 to 19 in the first five months of the year

Understanding obstetric violence and why it is a concern

By Beverly Mumbo Otieno   2024-04-08 07:03:21

Several women have suffered obstetric violence (OBV) at the hands of healthcare workers instead of receiving respect and dignity during the labour and delivery process

Understanding obstetric violence and why it is a global concern

By Beverly Mumbo Otieno   2024-04-14 14:14:57

OBV is systematically inflicted upon women and girls with a callous disregard for the consequences it may have on maternal health.