People may hate you for it but God delights in your fruitfulness. You need to have the spine or guts to bear the cost of fruitfulness
Depression is not a respecter of persons and can afflict anybody irrespective of their background, social status or race. Great leaders like Churchill and Abraham Lincoln suffered from depression.
You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. If you really love God, be a faithful giver and watch your blessing multiply
Courteous people are happy people. Rude people are always unhappy, angry and miserable; and walk around with a chip on their shoulders
Fear of failure keeps people from trying anything risky; fear of rejection makes people afraid of doing anything that would draw criticism or ridicule
Most people have been brought up in a society that celebrates poverty over success. Consequently, those who break out of that shell of poverty are either doubted, ridiculed or gossiped
When you have lived long enough, you start to figure out that life is not always easy and smooth but is full of unexpected surprises
Most elevations are preceded by tough challenges. The nerve-racking part is that they are sometimes packaged in such a way that, if you are not careful, you may be tempted to pull back
Have you ever been caught up in a distraction or run into the wrong person that completely ruined your day? Learn how to guard yourself from these situations
Everyone longs to have a great lover, but the bigger question is what kind of lover are you? Do you give what you expect from your partner?
A life purpose is a clearly defined reason for living. It is the reason for your existence - why you are here, fitting in, breathing and taking up space
Greatness happens when opportunity collides with preparedness! When your opportunity comes, people will try to hold you back with meaningless engagements
Transition is uncomfortable because it is unexpected or unforeseen and thus requires one to reroute and start on a new road
Everyone longs to have a great lover, but what kind of lover are you? Do you give as much as you want?
How you handle your money is considered by God as a spiritual discipline.
What hinders us from being led by God? One is culture. You cannot follow the world’s culture and God at the same time.
How do you honour your mother for the rest of your life? First, as a child you honor her by obeying her.
All great achievers in life have one thing in common - self-discipline. This is the ability to control and motivate yourself to stay on track and do the right thing
It gives you power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind;
One of the most important factors in a child’s successful development is the involvement and engagement of a father