Just like with the matters of the heart, a new love sometimes means a recent heartbreak.
At the center of this game is Baba, a man loved and hated in equal measure.
Teenagers, in particular, may experience a higher risk of mental health issues with the onset of puberty.
Pairing is not only human nature, several other animals of lesser intelligence understand there is a need for warmth and company as we go through this life
Pairing is not only human nature, several other animals of lesser intelligence understand there is need for warmth and company as we go through this life.
Where desire is concerned, we set no standards. We appreciate that we are equal to men and, in many cases, are more materially blessed than the men we desire
We set demands on the magnitude of the wedding budget we expect before we can say yes to the marriage proposal.
Every man, at some point, must transition from a boy to a man.
Men can hardly multitask; they are simple beings who would cause an accident on the road simply because a random voluptuous posterior walked past.
The family unit as we know it now has multifunctional bottoms with all stakeholders holding equal say and sway
Much of what causes divorce is the natural disconnect between couples as time passes by and complacency sets in.
Our women love their assured steps, bold dressing and fancy cars, even if the toys are rented.