TNX Africa

Juggling family, work, and 'me time' this holiday season

By | December 13, 2023
Juggling family, work, and 'me time’ this holiday season (Photo: iStock)

As the holiday season approaches, women find themselves at the epicentre of a delicate balancing act - a harmonious dance between family, work, and the often-neglected 'me time’.

For many women, the holidays signify a whirlwind of responsibilities, from planning festive gatherings to managing work commitments.

Balancing family expectations with professional obligations can feel like walking a tightrope, each step fraught with the potential for imbalance.

As the festivities draw near, resilient women's personal anecdotes echo this perennial challenge's sentiments. Grace, a working mother of two, confesses with a chuckle, "It's like juggling, you know? I have my work deadlines, the kids' excitement about the holidays, and somewhere in there, I'm trying to find a moment for myself."

Navigating this intricate dance requires more than just skill; it demands a profound understanding of one's own priorities. Jennifer, an entrepreneur based in Nairobi, shares her mantra for maintaining equilibrium, "I've learned that I can't be everywhere at once. So, I've embraced the power of saying 'no' when needed. It's about quality, not quantity."

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season often leave women feeling like they're running on empty. Yet, hidden amidst the chaos lies the crucial need for 'me' time. Mary, a career woman in Mombasa, emphasizes, "Taking a breather doesn't mean neglecting responsibilities. It means recognising that self-care is a responsibility too."

In the spirit of sisterhood, seasoned women offer pearls of wisdom for those grappling with the delicate balancing act.

Time management emerges as a common theme, emphasising setting realistic expectations and communicating openly with family and employers. "I plan my days meticulously," shares Jane, a corporate professional. "I allocate time for work, family, and self-care. It helps keep the chaos at bay."

Creating sacred moments for oneself becomes the cornerstone of self-preservation. Whether it's stealing away for a quiet cup of tea or indulging in a good book, these moments of solitude serve as a lifeline. Lucy, a single mother, asserts, "Finding balance means recognising that 'me' time isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. It makes me better at everything else I do."

As the holiday season unfolds, the women weaving through the intricate threads of life's demands share a collective wisdom. The key, it seems, lies not in perfecting the act of juggling but in finding a rhythm that resonates with individual values and needs.

In this dance of responsibilities, may every woman discover the delicate equilibrium that brings joy to the festive season and nurtures the soul within.