Kennedy Buhere 

Powerful speeches are those that appeal to audiences' emotions

By Kennedy Buhere    2024-01-08 19:01:55

The level of success the leaders have with the people and the stakeholders depends on the way they use words to deliver a speech in front of an audience.

Excessive testing undermines teaching, learning in schools

By Kennedy Buhere    2024-03-14 12:44:27

The frequency of testing that learners are subjected to has serious implications on education policy, standards and curricula allocated for effective teaching and learning.

Why holiday tuition does not improve learning outcomes

By Kennedy Buhere    2024-04-14 19:51:58

Students need mental breaks from the pressing study schedules. The teachers need it also.

Why Public Relations practitioners require journalistic skills

By Kennedy Buhere    2024-08-05 14:32:24

PR experts need the knowledge, skills, tact and judgement of journalists in helping an organisation communicate purposefully with their stakeholders.