Online romance: Love, deception, and digital drama


When I ‘met’ Kevin, I was taken with his gentleness,” Sarah, a mother of four, confesses. “When he texted me, he showered me with love.”

These words, spoken with a mixture of longing and hesitation, exhibit a picture of the complexities of love in the digital age. In a world where technology bridges gaps, the pursuit of love has transcended geographical boundaries. While the digital realm offers numerous opportunities to forge connections and relationships, it also comes with its share of challenges and risks.

Sarah’s story serves as a poignant example of the emotional turmoil and dilemmas that can arise when one becomes entangled in the web of online relationships.

Sarah had been married to Keith for nearly 18 years. Their union had weathered the trials and tribulations of life, but it seemed to falter when Keith discovered that Sarah was secretly chatting with other men. The revelation was a turning point in their relationship, leading Sarah to question the depth of her emotional connection with her husband.

As she navigated the uncharted waters of digital romance, Sarah found herself torn between the comfort of her long-standing marriage and the allure of a new and exciting connection with Kevin Ondiek, a man 14 years her junior. Their relationship, founded in the virtual realm, carried a unique intensity. Sarah was drawn to Kevin’s gentleness and the affection he showered upon her through text messages and video calls.

As their connection deepened, Sarah began to grapple with her feelings, and she confided in friends and family about the growing emotional distance in her marriage. “Intimacy was never great,” she lamented, reflecting on her relationship with Keith. This admission revealed the emotional void that had driven her to explore the uncharted territory of online love.

Journeying for love

Despite never having met Kevin in person, Sarah was captivated by their connection. She was willing to cross oceans, hills, mountains, rivers, and valleys to be with him. Her commitment to Kevin was unwavering, as she described her deep love for him. “He called me ‘baby’ and ‘queen.’ He made me feel special,” she confessed in a story published in the US. Sarah’s willingness to embark on such a journey was a testament to the power of digital connections in shaping the course of one’s life.

However, the story took a complicated turn when doubts began to surface within Sarah’s family. They questioned the authenticity of Kevin and expressed concerns that he might be a scammer preying on her vulnerability. These concerns were not limited to her family alone; Kevin’s own father, Pastor Cosmas Ondiek, discredited his son’s claims. He asserted that Kevin neither operated an orphanage nor had ever served as a pastor, casting a shadow of doubt over the sincerity of their relationship.

The dilemma Sarah faced was not unique. Many individuals in the digital age have found themselves entangled in similar situations, where the line between genuine affection and online deception blurs. The allure of a seemingly perfect online partner can be irresistible, but it often comes with the risk of heartbreak and disappointment.

As Sarah and Kevin’s relationship became the subject of scrutiny, both their families made desperate attempts to convince her that moving to Nyanza, Kenya, for Kevin was a grave mistake. The emotional turmoil of this situation was laid bare when their family’s story was shared on the US talk show, Dr. Phil. On the show, Sarah told Keith, her husband of nearly two decades, a heartbreaking truth: “If it doesn’t work out, I can always come back to you.” She was prepared to leave behind her four children, highlighting the profound impact of online relationships and their capacity to disrupt lives.

The unpredictability of online romance was further underscored when Sarah’s story was juxtaposed with that of other individuals who had ventured into the digital dating world. One such story featured self-proclaimed Natasha and self-proclaimed prophet Carmel, who found love through persistent online communication.

DM pursuit

Carmel shared his experience: “I was invited to preach at a certain place, and the lady of the house showed me a video of Natasha preaching about a royal wedding. I felt a spark and decided to slide into her DMs. It was like talking to myself, but I never lost hope.” Carmel’s determination and unwavering pursuit of love, despite initial non-responses, ultimately led to a connection that transcended borders and cultures.

Natasha, the recipient of Carmel’s persistence, revealed that his unwavering pursuit had caught her attention. Despite receiving numerous direct messages, Carmel’s messages stood out, leading to a friendship that evolved into a romantic relationship. Their love story offered a glimmer of hope to those seeking love online, showcasing the potential for genuine connections to flourish in the digital realm.

The couple emphasised that their shared interests and strong Christian backgrounds made it easy for them to connect, demonstrating that online relationships, when grounded in common values and beliefs, can lead to meaningful and lasting connections.

However, not all online encounters have happy endings. The story of Irene Gakwa, a Kenyan woman who went missing in the US after being in contact with a boyfriend she met online through Craigslist, serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with digital relationships. CNN reported that Irene’s last contact with her family was on February 24, 2022, when she spoke to her parents in Nairobi via a WhatsApp video call. Her father, during their conversation, teased her about looking hungry and tired, unaware that it would be their last interaction.

Irene, the youngest child in a family of three, had been living in the US for less than three years, unbeknownst to her parents, who were located in Kenya. Her disappearance left her family in a state of anxiety and despair as they grappled with the uncertainty of her whereabouts and safety.

Nathan Hightman, with whom Irene had been living in Gillette, Wyoming, informed the police that she had packed her bags one night and left in a dark SUV. Her last message to her family was a heartfelt declaration of love and longing, stating, “I just want you to know I love and miss you and mom.”

Unforeseen circumstances

Irene’s story underscores the potential dangers associated with online relationships, as they can often lead to unforeseen and troubling circumstances. While many individuals find love and fulfilment online, there is a dark side that must not be ignored. Online connections can sometimes mask the true intentions of those involved, leading to vulnerability and risks that can have dire consequences.

For instance, Little Brian recounted an unfortunate experience, saying, “I wasted my fare from Eldoret to Garissa only to find out that I had been chatting with a 70-year-old woman.” Such instances highlight the discrepancy between online personas and real-life encounters, emphasising the need for caution and scepticism.

Job Chris shared a particularly distressing memory, stating, “Today marks exactly 10 years since I travelled from Kimilili to Njoro in Nakuru to meet a lady I met on a 2Go chatroom, only to be beaten mercilessly by her militant boyfriend.” This jarring account underscores the potential dangers of online connections and the importance of safety when meeting someone for the first time.

Nancy Nancyandia recounted a story of resilience and eventual success, noting, “This reminds me of someone I know; she was in the UK, but upon arrival, she was stranded. However, she didn’t give up and is now one of the richest. So, it’s up to you to try and do your best.”

Maryanne Hinga shared an amusing yet unexpected encounter, saying, “My colleague travelled from Thika to Kwale only to meet a heavily pregnant lady.” Such unexpected twists in the realm of online dating can lead to both comical and perplexing situations, underscoring the unpredictable nature of these interactions.

Gentrix Fwamba recounted a distressing experience, stating, “I wasted my transport fare to go and visit my boyfriend Mwikhupo, but upon arrival, I found his wife and children. They beat me.” This distressing account highlights the risks associated with infidelity and deceit in online relationships, reminding individuals to exercise caution.

Mercy Wasilwa shared a cautionary tale, stating, “I wasted my Sh500 travelling from my comfort zone to Mt. Elgon to meet no one. He went into hiding. I learned my lesson.” Her experience serves as a stark reminder of the potential for disappointment and deceit in the world of online dating.

Emmie Nkirote recounted a surprising twist in her own online dating journey, saying, “This reminds me of going to Kileleshwa to meet a tycoon. Little did I know he was a watchman and opened the gate for me.”

Amid these diverse experiences and cautionary tales, the story of 29-year-old Mercy emerges as a poignant reminder of the emotional and personal toll that online relationships can exact. Mercy, who expressed a preference for white men, offered a candid warning to women to be vigilant when engaging with potential partners online. She emphasised that some individuals may have ulterior motives, aimed at breaking hearts rather than building genuine connections.


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