Topic: Academia

Kenya's macademia nuts risk export ban over quality

By Boniface Gikandi   2024-09-02 17:28:24

Kenya's macadamia nuts risk being locked out of the export market if players in the value chain compromise the standards

Let academia clean up our political mess

By Mark Oloo   2024-05-24 22:07:04

Africa must rewrite its history. Let it make a fresh attempt at sound progress by all means. Since the political class has failed us, perhaps it’s time for an academia-led push for change.

Why academia might have failed businesses

By Graham Kajilwa   2024-05-22 18:27:17

The circular economy is one of the emerging sectors that a regional business body has detailed the lack of relevant skills which has put the academia on the spot.

Nairobi Innovation Week opens with call for stronger academia-industry ties

By David Njaaga   2024-05-08 21:28:36

Investments, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano has called for stronger linkages between training institutions and the industry.

Academia and unions' silence threatening democratic gains

By William Kingi   2023-12-19 19:12:35

It is high time we breathed new life into the alliance of civil society, academia, the professions and the public to keep an eye on government action or inaction.