Topic: Counterfeit

Counterfeit liquor: When your 'favourite poison' is poisonous

By Mkala Mwaghesha   2024-08-23 10:26:14

The situation is so dire that some enterprising Kenyans are now walking into bars and liquor stores with scanners!

Pharmacy and Poisons Board warns of counterfeit diabetes drug in the market

By Esther Nyambura   2024-07-18 17:55:28

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has warned the public against using Ozempic Pens, also known as Semaglutide.

State's new system to monitor counterfeits, safeguard patents

By Graham Kajilwa   2024-06-06 20:05:06

The Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA) has unveiled a new platform that will monitor intellectual property as it seeks to tighten controls on counterfeit products.

Government intensifies crackdown on counterfeit goods

By David Njaaga   2024-05-11 00:09:56

Investment, Trade and Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano has affirmed the government’s commitment to intensify crackdowns on outlets vending counterfeit commodities.

How collaboration should help combat counterfeit fertiliser

By Maina Muiruri   2024-04-26 21:01:41

Counterfeit fertilisers and other agro-inputs like seeds and pesticides are a concern in Kenya and other developing countries where agriculture plays a vital role in the economy.

U.S CDC investigates harmful reactions to counterfeit Botox injections

By Xinhua   2024-04-16 07:07:23

The U.S CDC is investigating reports of harmful reactions among people who received injections of counterfeit or mishandled botulinum toxin, known as 'Botox'.