Topic: Greed

When greed takes over, causing church to split over money, power

By Julius Chepkwony and Daniel Chege   2024-05-18 17:58:46

Bishop says many church wrangles are caused by lack of education, ignorance, greed, and love for earthly things.

Irony of 'prayerful', cushioned and greedy leaders rocking the masses

By Edward Buri   2024-03-24 00:03:09

‘Churchiness’ has replaced godliness. National leaders walk up to the altar in the name of God only to speak in the name of greed.

Who will save Hustlers from the untamed greed for their taxes?

By Patrick Muinde   2024-01-13 20:23:36

Holy scripture cautions us to be wary of sweet tongues. If there is one thing KK has excelled in, it is in whipping up emotions from pulpits.