Topic: Identity

Is she my daughter? Man weeps as he recalls baby identity saga

By Kamau Muthoni   2024-06-20 18:57:10

Complainant tells court that he’s still unsure if he’s the biological father of his daughter.

Phishing scams: How innocent emails can steal your identity and what to do

By The Coversation   2024-06-12 13:52:05

Cybercriminals know that casting their net wide means they’ll surely catch some.

Pain of Kenyans living on the border in getting identity cards

By Alexander Chagema and Lucas Ngasike   2024-04-07 20:40:12

Getting an ID is an uphill task for Kenyans living in border towns, hence denying many vital services. Brokers charging desperate citizens Sh7,000 to help them acquire identification papers.

Betrayal in the city: The Bishop's double-edged identity is blunted

By Rev Edward Buri   2024-03-10 20:06:02

Betrayal in the city it is. Bishop Margret Wanjiru thought she was an insider until she found herself in the cold. Neither her politician blanket not her priestly duvet could cover her.

County Commissioner says 4,000 identity cards uncollected in Busia

By Mary Imenza   2024-02-29 13:12:31

Busia County Commissioner Chaunga Mwachaunga has said 4,000 national identity cards are lying uncollected at the Registrar of Persons.

Indian paradox: Lessons in identity, religion and national confidence

By XN Iraki   2024-02-04 19:57:47

Keeping an identity is easier with one's religion. You rarely get Indians named Jayden, Liam, or Ethan.