Topic: Meat

Mpox: Kenyans cautioned against consuming bush meat

By Patrick Vidija   2024-08-24 12:42:55

Tourism and Wildlife CS Rebecca Miano says although reported cases remain isolated, the prevailing situation foreshadows potential eruption if cautionary counsel goes unheeded.

Study gives red meat clean bill of health after warnings

By Ayoki Onyango   2024-08-10 06:40:43

The research, which was published in Science Day journal, found that the dangers linked to the consumption of red meat are too minimal and should therefore, not cause any worry.

Veterinary board say slums main market for illegal meat

By Antony Gitonga   2024-07-29 04:21:55

The Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) has identified informal settlements as the main consumers of uninspected meat in the country.

How camel meat sparked a deadly virus outbreak in Marsabit

By Gardy Chacha   2024-07-22 18:07:04

In a case where tradition turned fatal, Marsabit’s pastoralists faced a health crisis. Possible lives lost and lessons learned in Shurr’s RVF outbreak.

Nigeria's bushmeat consumption comes under scrutiny

By VOA   2024-07-10 10:56:38

Despite the risk of zoonotic diseases like Ebola and Lassa fever, 45 per cent of the country consumes bushmeat regularly, and now discussions to raise awareness are taking center stage.

'Meaty rice?' Don aims to change global protein

By AFP   2024-06-17 14:52:17

A team of South Korean scientists are injecting cultured beef cells into individual grains of rice, in a process they hope could revolutionise how the world eats.