Topic: Migration

State commits to streamline current labour migration

By Marion Kithi   2024-08-24 15:03:06

State Labour and Skills Development PS Shadrack Mwadime has stated that Kenya will secure bilateral agreements to protect its citizens working in foreign countries.

Narok County introduces stricter regulations for tourists as wildebeest migration starts

By George Sayagie   2024-07-11 22:40:29

Narok County will continue to enforce a wildlife-first policy and safety regulations for visitors who tour the Masai National Game Reserve to see the spectacular wildebeest migration.

Biden relaxes visa rules in pre-election immigration balancing act

By AFP   2024-06-19 09:36:06

The Biden administration also simplified the process for migrants who came to the United States illegally as children - known as Dreamers- to get work visas.

Kenya signs IGAD Protocol on migration to mitigate pastoralist conflicts

By David Njaaga   2024-06-07 14:29:21

Kenya has signed the IGAD Protocol on Transhumance, in an effort to manage cross-border pastoralist activities and reduce associated conflicts.

Poland not to accept migrants under new EU migration pact, says PM

By Xinhua   2024-05-15 07:08:59

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that "Poland will not accept any migrants" under the newly adopted European Union's (EU) pact on migration and asylum.

You will wait longer for your passport, Immigration says

By Mate Tongola   2024-05-01 20:06:22

The Immigration Department on Tuesday, April 30 notified that it is currently experiencing challenges with processing the crucial documents.