TNX Africa

Why sweet potatoes are your new power breakfast

By | May 13, 2024
Sliced sweet potato. (Courtesy/GettyImages)

There are several options when it comes to breakfast accompaniments. These could be bread, arrowroots, mandazi, sweet potatoes, and many others.

Sweet potatoes are commonly known by their Kikuyu name ngwaci, or viazi vitamu in Swahli. They are root vegetables grown from vines with heart-shaped leaves.

They appear as tuberous roots whose colour varies from pale yellow to deep orange and purple.

Scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas, they are packed with numerous nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, making them fit for a power breakfast.

In terms of nutritional benefits, they contain Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which plays a huge role in boosting immunity and vision. Additionally, they contain vitamin C, potassium, manganese, and several B vitamins. Their high fiber content supports gut health and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Other than boiling, sweet potatoes can be prepared by roasting, mashing or baking. It can sometimes be fried with arrowroots and potatoes to give a delicious stew.

Sweet potatoes have a relatively long shelf life compared to other vegetables, especially when stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.