TNX Africa

Developers in spotlight over raw sewage

By | November 20, 2023

A church in Nairobi’s Mihang’o Ward, Embakasi East, has joined residents in accusing some developers of emptying raw human waste in the open, especially water drainages along the roads.

On October 25, ACK St Catherine Church wrote to the county government complaining that raw human waste from the drainages was ending up in its compound.

“Our church, the ACK St-Catherine-Bypass church near the Eastern bypass (Block 115/319) has been the victim dumping of dirty liquid waste from our neighbours,” the church wrote.

“We have complained to the ward administrator and the MCA Hon Paul Kados. The waste threatens to destroy the infrastructure of the church and is affecting the health of the worshipers,” the letter further reads.

Take action

Residents within the ward want the county and national governments to take action against developers who are channelling raw sewage into drainages.

The residents say the effluent is emptied from the septic tanks to the drainage systems along the roads around Utawala and Mihang’o areas.

Through the area MCA, the residents have been writing to the county but they say no action has been taken against the unnamed developers.

“My office has received several complaints regarding incidents of developers emptying raw sewer from their septic tanks into drainage systems,” MCA Paul Kiguathi stated in a letter to the governor dated October 6.

He added: “Residents have also reported developers who have constructed septic tanks without approval from the relevant authorities.”

Water pipes supplying nearby residential areas pass through the drainage systems thus putting the locals at risk.

“We have written several reminders to the county but no action has been taken. It is a disaster waiting to happen because water pipes to the residential areas run through the same drainage systems,” Kiguathi said.

Acting County Secretary Patrick Analo told The Standard that action will be taken on the culprits.