TNX Africa

African Safari, Mt Kilimanjaro on world's bucket list trips

By | July 27, 2024
Mt Kilimanjaro

A study by Skyhook has ranked Africa as a preferred destination for travellers, adventure enthusiasts, and nature lovers. Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro was ranked fourth, and African Safari eighth.

A trip to track gorillas across ten African countries – Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for Eastern gorillas, and Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Angola for Western gorillas – was ranked 11th.

The study, conducted by Skyhook, an adventure travel company, involved 4,026 participants from across the globe.

Participants were asked to select three activities that would top their bucket list.

“As part of the Skyhook survey, participants picked three activities that would be at the top of their bucket lists, with the company providing 15 common bucket lists for them to choose from,” said a statement by Skyhook.

The survey ranked the Northern Lights as the top travel preference worldwide. Travelers and adventure lovers visit countries like Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland to see the Northern Lights.

This natural phenomenon is highly ranked among Gen Z, with six in ten respondents describing it as a top bucket list experience.

Interestingly, the top 10 travel preferences also varied by generation. For instance, a desire for a cruise trip to Antarctica was a top choice for Baby Boomers, with 46% choosing it as a top bucket list experience.

Cruises to Antarctica to see penguin colonies and humpback whales among the ice glaciers have also increased in recent years.

And although commercial space travel isn’t accessible yet, it has captured the imaginations of travellers in Germany, Canada, and the US. Gen Z showed the most interest, with 23% keen on this futuristic adventure.