Levis Musumba

Fighting the shadows: Bungoma, Vihiga and Kisumu counties confront gender-based violence

By Levis Musumba   2023-11-22 19:33:16

This crisis stands as a formidable obstacle to achieving SDG 5 which aspires to attain gender equality and empower all women and girls by eliminating all forms of violence against them.

County raises red flag as school grapples with 54 pregnant teens

By Levis Musumba   2023-12-06 19:26:22

The heartbreaking stories of the victims shed light on the devastating consequences of teenage pregnancies in a community where education has long been regarded as a beacon of hope.

Pain to power: Survivors lead the fight against GBV in counties

By Levis Musumba   2023-12-09 04:31:51

Experts say inadequate funding, persistent negative gender and social norms, and poverty fuel gender-based violence with weak societal structures that fail to protect survivors.

Harnessing fishing traditions to help women's dreams sail

By Levis Musumba   2023-12-31 16:58:06

Kenya’s fishing industry contributes about 0.5 per cent of the national GDP and approximately 2 per cent of the national export earnings.

How honey brings sweet relief in bitter times

By Levis Musumba   2024-07-27 06:09:12

The one hive at a time initiative is not only empowering individuals but also advancing broader goals of poverty reduction and gender equality among the pastoralist community.