How to make your Christmas day fun

How to make your Christmas day fun (Photo: iStock)

So many people spend the festive season making plans and making sure everyone else is happy but themselves. These tips will help you enjoy yourself amid the chaos:

Connect with family, friends, colleagues

The importance of such connections is that they give time and space to interact with others, other than being by yourself, especially if you are an anti-social type of person. Whether you are connecting with one person, your small family, a large gathering, or just a few close friends, connecting with those you love is the most important thing during the festive season. 

Speak gratitude

While you are with your connections, take time to thank them, appreciating them for their presence in your life. Show gratitude, gratefulness, and recognition of their contribution to making your life better. This, experts say, improves your relationship with them. 

Have a positive mind

Avoid a negative mind and negative interactions, and remember the day marks the climax of the season of cheer! Challenge yourself to find a positive side in every situation. The gathering comes with challenges, among them disruptions, but once you focus on looking at every situation positively, then it might help you to “cool” down temperatures and explosive situations. Keep in mind that the holidays are about gratitude and happiness. 

Giving back

Remember the holidays are also about giving back. You could buy gifts for a stranger who needs love at this time, or a community, but it is not always about money. You can volunteer your time around your community, collect donations from your friends and other donors, and deliver to those in need. You could also perform other acts of kindness by volunteering to offer some service such as cooking a meal among other things. 

Do not overdo things

Set limitations on the things you have set yourself to do and accomplish during the holidays. For instance, if you do not have money (especially during these hard economic times), you do not have to go shopping or buy gifts for your loved ones. There are other ways to make your holidays “the perfect holiday” without necessarily having to spend too much. Be kind to yourself and take a break when you can. 

Set boundaries

You do not have to say yes every time, especially to things you do not want to consent to. Create boundaries beforehand, and stick to them, by removing yourself from an environment or speaking up your mind when you have to. 

Find pressure relief

You are entitled to being happy and putting yourself first before others. Find a safe space or a person to go to, especially if you get to a point of processing your emotions. Give room and allow yourself to feel and heal if you are confronted by a stressful moment during the holidays. Do not pretend to be happy just because it is the season of cheer! It is fine not to be happy during the holidays. 

Prioritise yourself

Most importantly, put yourself first in the priority slot. Pay attention to your body, and avoid pushing your limits, just because you seem to be the only one who can do a particular task. If you notice symptoms of stress in your body, such as headaches, backache, stomach aches, anxiety, irritability, or withdrawal, step back and focus on yourself and your well-being. Happy Holidays! 


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