Makarena, Cosmo Choy war of words gets nastier


The war of words pitting former President Uhuru Kenyatta supporter cum Meru politician Mike Makarena, and US-based Cosmas Ombori Monari aka Cosmo Choy is getting nastier by the day with no signs of it abating.

The two have been working overtime bad-mouthing each other, each trying to land the killing blow. This has been playing out on various social media platforms, including TikTok. Each boasts of being better than the other, in times of “class”, wealth and standing in society.

The exchange of words and verbal slurs has been unrestrained. There is no sign of it coming to an end.

Makarena is not only best known for his charity work as chairperson of people living with disability (PwD) in Meru but also for his bare-knuckled approach to county and national politics.

On the other hand, Choy, originally from Kisii, has declared his interest in vying for the Embakasi East MP seat in 2027.

Choy, who backs embattled Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza, allegedly insulted Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi sparking the feud.

Governor’s race

Mwangaza defeated Linturi and former Governor Kiraitu Murungi in the governor’s race in August last year sparking Makarena’s fury.

It seemed the installation of Linturi as spokesman of the Meru community by the Njuri Ncheke (Meru Council of Elders) and Meru MPs and inheriting the title ‘King of Meru’, did not make Choy happy.

He expressed anger that Mwangaza’s opponents had plotted to impeach her.

“Kawira beat Kiraitu and Linturi. She is the Queen, the only one in Meru. They (opponents) want to scandalise her,” Choy said.

But Makarena, a staunch ally of Linturi, did not take Choy’s sentiments kindly and launched a scathing attack after.

“I am not going to relent on my battle against Choy if he does not withdraw his slur against Linturi and a section of other Meru leaders,” Makarena told The Nairobian this week.

Makarena said; “The beef between Choy and I is not about to end until he apologises for the slur against Linturi”.

In a TikTok post that left people dumbfounded, Choy hurled unprintable words about Makarena, terming him a proud man.

Choy also claimed Makarena had insulted him and had called him (Choy) a poor man. “You (Makarena) are insulting a big man like me by saying you can buy me a lorry. If I want a lorry, I can afford to buy it because I work for an international company in the US,” Choy said.

Police records

Makarena, who said he suffered a road accident in Mombasa over 10 years ago did not take Choy’s claims kindly and directed him to check police records of the accident that damaged his spine and confined him to a wheelchair.

Makarena said he is a businessman with interests in various sectors, including housing and transport and has earned his wealth.

“Cosmo Choy has not stopped insulting me and because you have not apologised to Linturi, I cannot recognise you,” Makarena said.

Makarena said he owns Sh100 million worth of cars, drives top-of-the-range fuel guzzlers and donates generously to charitable causes and local politicians love to welcome him at fundraisers.

“I have a mansion. Choy has a house that resembles a classroom!” Makarena said.

“Choy calls me poor and he claims I was shot. I directed him to go to the Embakasi police station where the accident was reported.

If I had been shot, a report would have been made so he is just spreading unfortunate rumours,” he said.

It is a no-holds-barred clash that the two have taken with much gusto, with some of the exchanges way below the belt.

“I have seen you Makarena is still talking about me too much. You say I have a beard like a goat’s and I have no brains. What have I done to you? I just talked about Kawira Mwangaza. You are not CS Mithika Linturi or Kiraitu Murungi. What have I done you, Makarena?” Choy posed.



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