Topic: Deforestation

Gender equality a viable solution to deforestation

By Lynet Otieno   2024-03-22 20:24:16

Many agree that the taste of food cooked using gas is different from that made on charcoal-fuelled jiko. What then do we do to continue enjoying tasty food without destroying our forests?

Inside European Union's new deforestation-free products law

By Caroline Chebet   2024-01-14 13:19:35

The new regulations are expected to reduce carbon emissions caused by EU consumption and production of the relevant commodities by at least 32 million metric tonnes a year.

EU adopts new law for deforestation-free products

By Caroline Chebet   2024-01-02 15:21:52

The new EU Deforestation Regulation has listed seven commodities that should be ‘deforestation-free’ for them to be sold to the EU markets.