Topic: Ecosystem

Africa Paves the Way for a Greener Future: Global Conference Highlights Ecosystem Revitalisation

By Anthony Makokha   2024-09-19 04:22:03

Africa is leading global efforts to restore ecosystems and promote sustainable livelihoods, as showcased at the GLF Africa 2024 conference in Nairobi

Kenya, Tanzania bet on new strategy to protect Mara ecosystem

By Harold Odhiambo   2024-09-16 12:39:14

Kenya and Tanzania have pledged to implement a 15-point strategy to protect the fragile Mara River basin, a critical ecosystem for the Masai Mara and Serengeti parks

Wildlife census kicks off in Athi-Kapiti ecosystem

By Antony Gitonga   2024-08-06 15:34:23

The Athi-Kapiti ecosystem has been mapped out as a critical ecology for the Nairobi National Park and the Kitengela-Athi-Kaputiei ecosystem.

Internet outage calls for more innovation in digital ecosystem

By Mercy Nyabwala   2024-05-18 21:23:37

A further pursuit of technologies like terrestrial fibre-optic cables along with microwave links is effective for shorter-distance connections.

Egerton University plants 200,000 trees in Mau ecosystem

By Julius Chepkwony   2024-03-07 02:36:53

The university lies within the Mau Complex ecosystem, and for the last two decades, it has been rehabilitating the Shururu forest.

Investors in Mara ecosystem sign lease agreements with county

By John Tiapukel   2024-02-19 15:14:44

The signing of the agreement that was witnessed by Governor Patrick Ntutu last Saturday, was in line with the Maasai Mara Management plan.