Topic: Funerals

Grief vs. Cost: The debate over Luo funerals in Kenya

By Kenyatta Otieno   2024-06-04 10:31:29

The big question was how would people grieve and mourn in a way that does not endanger those who come to console the bereaved.

Oparanya lectures Nakhumicha for spending more time in funerals than her office

By Robert Amalemba   2024-03-30 21:34:44

Oparanya cautioned Nakhumicha to tread carefully with the doctors as "you are dealing with bright people who scored straight As perhaps better marks than yourself in high school."

Prisoners can attend funerals of close relatives

By Fred Kagonye and Kamau Muthoni   2024-02-23 13:33:51

High Court Judge Lawrence Mugambi says prisoners have a right to attend the burial of close family members, unless there are compelling reasons to deny the request.