Topic: Gen-z

Gen-Z parents back demos, tell Kenya Kwanza to listen to pleas

By Standard Team   2024-06-25 00:13:36

Several parents interviewed said there was nothing wrong with the emboldened Gen Z to express themselves through peaceful demos.

Gen-Z infected with spirit of hope, and it is proving to be contagious

By Edward Buri   2024-06-22 20:53:06

Young people have all come together, not to rise against individual items in the system, but the whole system. This last week has demonstrated they are a real power. 

State at a crossroads as it faces fearless, firm Gen-Z protestors

By Irungu Houghton   2024-06-22 15:23:12

Attempts to brand them as disaffected and jobless looters fell flat as the protestors remained largely peaceful in their thousands.

Gen-Z-led anti-tax protests rock Ruto's hometown

By Stephen Rutto   2024-06-20 21:14:39

A multitude of Generation Z protesting against the Finance Bill 2024 stormed the streets of President William Ruto’s hometown, Eldoret.

Gen-Z were only after TikTok views, MP says on protests

By Stephanie Wangari   2024-06-19 23:56:27

Kitui South MP Rachel Nyamai now claims some protesters demonstrating against punitive taxes contained in the proposed Finance Bill 2024 were only interested in gaining TikTok views.