Topic: Sahara

Kenyan selected to sit in TikTok's Sub-Saharan Safety Council

By Peter Muiruri   2024-08-22 15:09:37

A Kenyan will for the first time serve in TikTok’s newly launched Sub-Saharan Africa Safety Advisory Council.

Huawei eyes 150,000 new talent from Sub-Saharan Africa by 2027

By Patrick Vidija   2024-07-04 15:15:37

The program aims to foster a strong digital leadership and skilled ICT workforce, build a digital talent pool and promote digital literacy among citizens.

Saharan dust smothers Switzerland, southern Frances

By VOA   2024-03-31 04:55:44

An exceptionally rare haze of Saharan dust cloaked Switzerland and southeastern France on Saturday, sparking health warnings as a yellow hue tinged the sky.

Sahara Desert used to be green study explains why

By The Conversation   2024-01-07 19:19:00

The Sahara acts as a gate. It controls the dispersal of species between north and sub-Saharan Africa, and in and out of the continent.

Transforming Sub-Saharan Africa's payment ecosystem through strategic partnerships

By Mastercard   2023-11-23 12:37:30

Providing businesses with digital payment solutions, financial literacy, and credit access is essential for long-term success.

Of the Sahara, war veteran and effects of climatic change

By XN Iraki   2023-11-21 12:22:00

This is where innovation came in handy. Adopting military strategy and technology to different terrains. It was even tougher for the soldiers who may never have fought in such a terrain.