Sudanese volunteer rescuers said shelling of an area of Omdurman, the capital of Khartoum's twin city just across the Nile River, killed more than 120 people.
Air Afrik accuses the bank of illegally freezing its account and withdrawing money.
The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) on Saturday recaptured Wad Madani, the capital city of Gezira State in central Sudan
Sossion, Oluga, and commentator Gabriel Oguda are among the 109 shortlisted for PS jobs.
Authorities in Sudan have received more than 550 reports of rape committed by paramilitary fighters since war began in April 2023, an official with the army-aligned government told AFP on Tuesday.
South Sudan-bound cargo is stuck at Mombasa port following a disagreement between South Sudan Revenue Authority and importers over which currency should be used to pay taxes.