Eve Waruingi

Understanding and coping with a toxic mother

By Eve Waruingi   2023-11-28 09:39:44

According to the World Health Organisation, a staggering 29.8 per cent of all adult mental disorders are the result of childhood trauma

Juggling family, work, and 'me time' this holiday season

By Eve Waruingi   2023-12-13 08:49:57

For many women, the holidays signify a whirlwind of responsibilities, from planning festive gatherings to managing work commitments

Why some people love obsessively and what to do about it

By Eve Waruingi   2024-02-09 12:12:42

Romantic love weaves complex stories of passion, connection and often obsession. Obsessive love is where the line between devotion and fixation blurs

Understanding sexual consent in relationships

By Eve Waruingi   2024-02-27 10:15:59

Consent is the cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling intimacy. It ensures that every encounter is a deliberate choice, free from coercion or manipulation

Why it is okay for men to cry publicly

By Eve Waruingi   2024-03-05 11:20:27

While some might find public displays of male grief uncomfortable or even "weak," the narrative surrounding this incident and countless others reveals a deeper issue

Are women secretly attracted to 'bad boys'?

By Eve Waruingi   2024-04-17 09:31:54

The answer, as with most things in love, is far more nuanced than a simple yes or no

Defining imposter syndrome and what to do about it

By Eve Waruingi   2024-04-17 10:39:15

Ever nailed a presentation, then spent the entire evening convinced everyone thinks you're a fake? You're not alone

Understanding high-functioning depression

By Eve Waruingi   2024-05-09 11:03:37

The stereotypical image of depression is often of someone withdrawn and dysfunctional. However, a significant proportion of the population struggles with a lesser-known form

Burned out? What you can do about it

By Eve Waruingi   2024-05-22 12:18:08

Burnout isn't just about feeling tired. It's a deep, soul-sucking exhaustion that seeps into your bones and casts a long shadow over everything you do

World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Period poverty and shaming

By Eve Waruingi   2024-05-29 09:20:22

Can you imagine the pain and isolation of missing school or social events because you can't afford basic sanitary products?

Mexico makes history as Claudia Sheinbaum becomes first female president

By Eve Waruingi   2024-06-05 10:49:46

Mexico has turned a historic page with the election of Claudia Sheinbaum as its first female president in a landslide victory

How to understand and cope with a toxic mother

By Eve Waruingi   2024-06-22 11:26:40

In the quiet corners of online forums and coffee shop conversations, the dialogue about toxic mothers is growing, each note carrying the weight of personal suffering

Can religion become an addiction?

By Eve Waruingi   2024-06-27 10:26:00

When a person becomes detached from the real world, turns their entire existence into spirituality and grossly misinterprets everything happening around them, they could become addicted

Are you a controlling parent?

By Eve Waruingi   2024-07-25 09:32:13

Parent-child dynamics is a complex topic; a parent is supposed to assume total control of the child during the formative years and gradually loosen the grip as the child matures