Pioneer Mvita MP passes on after a long illness

Pioneer Mvita MP passes on after a long illness
Former Mvita Member of Parliament Mohamed Jahazi. [File, Standard]

The first post-independent Mvita MP Mohamed Jahazi is dead.

Jahazi, 89, who served as assistant minister for Health in President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta’s government, died on Sunday at a Mombasa hospital where he had been admitted for 15 days.

His son, Mwinyi Jahazi, said the former legislator had been ailing for some time.

Jahazi was buried at the Kikowani Muslim cemetery in Mvita sub-county on Sunday.

Until his death, Jahazi was chairman of the Mombasa County Council of Elders and had been giving advisory opinions to Coast leadership.

Mombasa Governor Adulswamad Nassir said Jahazi will be remembered for his service to the people of Mvita, formerly known as Mombasa Central constituency.

Governor's tribute

“I have learned with sadness of the passing on of former Mvita Member of Parliament Mohamed Jahazi here in Mombasa. He will be remembered for his pioneering service as the first post-independence representative of the people of Mvita,” he said.

Jahazi, who engaged in business and farming after quitting active politics, was influential during former presidents Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki's administrations.

President Kibaki appointed the former MP to the board of Kenya Ports Authority.

Jahazi started his political career as a Kanu youth winger.

He was an arch-rival of the late former Mvita MP and Cabinet Minister Shariff Nassir who ousted him from the parliamentary seat in 1974.

He recently admitted that former President Moi saved him when he was arrested after the 1982 coup attempt.

Jahazi was arrested by the dreaded Special Branch and detained at the Central Police Station in Mombasa for two days until Moi sent Cabinet Minister Nicholas Biwott to Mombasa to secure his release.  


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