Edday Nderitu's message to Samidoh on his graduation

Edday Nderitu and Samidoh. [Facebook]

Edday Nderitu on Friday congratulated her baby daddy Samidoh on his graduation, reflecting on his sacrifices to earn his first degree.

The Mugithi star graduated from JKUAT with a degree in Business Information Technology and Edday was quick to laud his perseverance.

“Your perseverance and dedication has paid off, I remember when you decided to pursue your degree, we had just welcomed our baby (Mike).

“Thank you for your dedication and your true spirit, I am forever inspired,” wrote Edday.

She further praised Samidoh for being a present father to their children, even taking up household chores despite his schedule.

“You were always on your feet & assumed household chores; prepared Shirleen for school & dropped her off on your way to school. You didn’t give up despite many challenges,” she added.

The two have appeared cosy in recent weeks, fuelling speculation that they have mended fences.

On Father’s Day, Edday shared photos of Samidoh with their children, enjoying cake together, and expressed her gratitude for his role in their lives.

She praised Samidoh for working tirelessly to provide a comfortable life for their family and acknowledged the sacrifices he made.

“We’re grateful for the sacrifices you make and the time we get to spend together as a family. Today and every day, we celebrate your kindness, patience, and devotion. We love you more than words can express!” she wrote.

They were also seen together during the graduation of their daughter Shirleen in the United States a fortnight ago.

Samidoh and Edday during their daughter's graduation. [Facebook]

In a video that went viral on social media, Samidoh joked that he and Edday were too young to have a child in high school, suggesting humorously that their daughter should repeat the grade.

Edday, seated close to Samidoh with his right hand resting on her shoulders, supported his statement by saying, "You have heard what my husband has said."

Samidoh added, "Even when you look at our faces we look very young," leading to shared laughter between the couple. 


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