Topic: Affair

Public love and secret affairs in Kenya's Parliament

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-19 09:32:21

Mathira MP and Murang’a Woman Rep made their love public and married formally.

Obado's affair with Sharon wasn't a secret, detective says

By Nancy Gitonga   2024-06-16 16:55:35

While concluding his evidence in the murder trial against Obado and his two aides, Sena confirmed before Justice Cecilia Githua that the relationship was not a secret.

Linturi's 'sour love' affair clouds impeachment hearing

By Josphat Thiong'o   2024-05-10 23:53:22

Agriculture CS says his former wife is bitter and behind his woes as Bumula MP says the Minister should be held accountable for the fake fertiliser scam.

US Foreign Affairs Committee requests President Ruto to address Congress

By Betty Njeru   2024-05-03 00:25:37

If invited, Ruto would be the first Kenyan Head of State to address a joint session of Congress, and the second African Head of State to address Congress.

Loyalty to party bosses means primaries are a do-or-die affair

By Biketi Kikechi   2024-04-29 00:17:10

Party polls have been a hotly contested affair since the 1980’s when candidates used every trick in the book to get elected into regional or national party positions.

Moussa Faki tells foreign powers to 'stay off' African affairs

By Esther Nyambura   2024-02-22 19:54:01

African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson, Moussa Faki, has advised foreign powers to stop meddling into African affairs more so those around the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).