Topic: Attention

Kenya needs more dentists, personal attention to improve oral hygiene

By Susan Nderitu   2024-07-03 15:24:33

Bad breath is estimated to affect 1 in 4 people globally with the most common cause being bad oral hygiene.

Climate change must not divert world attention from poverty

By Bjorn Lomborg   2024-05-28 21:49:20

Across Africa and the low and lower-middle-income countries, five million children die each year before their fifth birthday and almost a billion people don’t get enough to eat.

Obstetric Violence - A shocking reality that needs urgent attention

By Preethi Herman   2024-04-26 12:31:14

Kenyan mothers are being subjected to gross human rights violations while seeking maternal care, report reveals.

Jaundice: A common condition that requires medical attention in newborns

By Rodgers Otiso   2024-03-30 03:46:00

Infant jaundice or neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common condition, particularly in babies born before 38 weeks gestation (preterm babies) and some breastfed babies.

Ruto must pay more attention to education

By Ken Opalo   2024-01-19 18:08:19

The government forgot that the introduction of junior secondary as a tier in the system, necessitated the construction of schools.

Discord rocks Rift Valley as local leaders fight for Ruto's attention

By Jacob Ng’etich   2023-12-10 19:09:43

Transport CS Murkomen has threatened to sue Senator Cherargei for alleged defamation which is seen as part of sibling rivalry in the President’s backyard.