Topic: Gender

Address gender violence among our sports stars

By Editorial   2024-09-15 06:48:57

A worrying trend of gender violence and killings targeting sportsmen and women has recently dimmed the celebration of world beaters in Kenya.

Gender rule: Fourteen years later, women still on the periphery

By Edwin Nyarangi   2024-08-28 18:10:58

14 years after Kenyans adopted a progressive constitution, many aspirations remain unfulfilled. Women are still hoping for the two-thirds gender rule in elective positions to become a reality.

Kenya lags in attaining two-thirds gender rule 14 years later

By Sharon Wanga   2024-08-27 11:07:37

As Kenya celebrates 14 years since the promulgation of the 2010 constitution, the gender principle is yet to be attained, experts say.

Attainment of gender parity in our leadership remains far cry

By Njahira Gitahi   2024-08-12 13:33:14

The third impeachment of Governor Kawira Mwangaza shines a light on the difficulty that Kenya will continue to face in seeking gender parity within its political ranks.

Why MPs rejected Stella Soi for Gender CS role

By Stephanie Wangari   2024-08-07 20:54:24

The National Assembly committee on appointments has rejected the nomination of Stella Soi Lang’at, as Gender Cabinet Secretary.

Gender CS nominee discloses her net worth

By Stephanie Wangari   2024-08-05 20:35:31

Gender Cabinet Secretary nominee Stella Soi Lang'at states that her net worth currently stands at Sh70 million.