Topic: Privacy

KRA's data clean-up drive now sparks privacy concerns

By Tasmima Ibrahim Abdi   2024-06-24 18:48:44

KRA maintains that the exercise aims to "ensure the integrity of the taxpayer’s register" and enhance service delivery.

CJ Koome: Data privacy is a legal, basic human right

By Kelley Otieno   2024-05-07 19:14:16

Koome said privacy is not merely a legal or regulatory obligation; it is a fundamental human right enshrined in the Constitution and international human rights instruments.

Data privacy major challenge for Kenya's digital space, report

By Patrick Vidija   2024-04-27 10:13:27

Challenges such as data privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, gender disparities in digital access, and barriers to inclusion for persons with disabilities remain prevalent.

TikTok bans, fines not answer to emerging data privacy concerns

By Gabin Omanga   2024-04-16 16:23:32

Instead of blanket bans on social media platforms, stricter data privacy regulations that apply to all forms of data use including AI, are the way to go.

Privacy clash: Airbnb bans CCTV as Cabinet insists on surveillance

By Fred Kagonye   2024-03-17 10:58:01

The battle for privacy in Airbnbs has taken a new twist after the company and the government took opposing stands on the presence of CCTV cameras.

Battle for privacy in Airbnb

By Fred Kagonye   2024-03-14 10:48:56

Cabinet on March 13 passed a resolution requiring homes to have CCTV cameras while Airbnb banned the same two days earlier.